Kiwanis LGBT+ Club of Southern California

Board of Directors Meeting

October 25th, 2018

In Attendance: Tara Guzman, Delia Guzman, Miguel Sarasa, Debbie McQueen, and Nancy Booher.

1.) Welcome:  Approval of previous minutes- tabled. We discussed in previous meetings that we were going to donate a backpack for the Redding fire relief program, but they had received enough daonations before we sent one, so our club did not donate a backpack.

2.) Old Business

a.) Charter Night Celebration: Our Charter night went really smooth.  There were some timing/coordination errors with karaoke, and member certificates were not ready yet, but overall it was a big success, and has created a lot of buzz within Kiwanis International.  We raised $910 at our charter night through raffle ticket sales and donations.

Valerie has ordered a new banner for our club to change the name from the LGBT+ Care Club of Southern California, to the LGBT+ Club of Southern California

b.) Membership Roster: We currently have 24 members registered through K.I.  We need to reach out to Duane who expressed interest at the Charter night.  Miguel will email roster out.  We discussed how to make it easier for members to submit their applications, and talked about setting up a Google Docs application form.  Tara offered to create a Google Doc.

c.) Financials: Miguel and Delia will get the EIN and set up a bank account.  We need to choose a bank.  We will research different accounting programs such as quickbooks, etc

We raised $650 from GoFundMe, $910 raised at Charter Night- balance of $1560.  After paying dues for 24 members at introductory fees of $50 each. As of 10/25/18, we had a balance of $460.

3.) New Business

a.) Committees: We want to set up committees to help spread the responsibilities out, and have more people involved in planning.  We would like to have 4 sub-committees.  Committees will give reports for updates.

Social Committee- organize social events- Duane and Christina have volunteered, need to touch base with them.

Membership Committee- help spread awareness, and invite people to join

Fundraising Committee- research and organize fundraisers

Service Committee- planning service projects

b.) Holiday Dinner: We want to plan a holiday dinner/get together at a restaurant, perhaps Hamburger Mary’s in Ontario in December, and maybe have an ornament exchange, and get out member certificates.

c.) Youth Outreach Event: Looking at ideas to support LGBTQ kids/youth during the holidays.


-adopt an LGBTQ youth-take kids to dinner or pizza party.

-Service Project- a Christmas party, or New Year’s Eve party/lock-in- we can try to connect with a LGBTQ youth center to see if we can organize an event or assist if they have an event they are planning.  We can all pick different centers to contact and see if we can plan or support them

-Virtual Christmas gift donations- find kids with needs/wants and connect them with people who can buy the gifts, like Angel Tree

d.) Fundraising– We will hold off on any fundraising until the new year, and try to focus on service projects through the holidays.

4.) Adjournment: Board Meetings are tentatively planned for the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8:00 PM using the conference call system

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