Kiwanis LGBT+ Club of Southern California

Board of Directors Meeting

August 7th, 2018

In Attendance: Miguel Sarasa, Tara Lawrence, Debbie McQueen, Delia Guzman, Robert Becerra, and Nancy Booher. Excused: Ed Heaberlin. Darrel Jimenez

1.) Welcome:  Miguel transferred $650 from GoFundMe fundraiser which includes $200 raised at the Hemet Pride event.  This amount covers 17 members dues paid to Cal-Nevah.  Valerie received an additional $200. We still need to raise funds for 6+ members.  We will be able to use money raised at the Charter Celebration.

2.) Old Business

a.) Charter Night Celebration: September 9th 4-7 PM

We will be having a celebration of our new club at Hamburger Mary’s.  Other local Kiwanis groups will be invited to join us.  We are finalizing quotes for prices with Hamburger Mary’s. *Update* Tickets will be $35 each.  The Lt. Governor, Brad and Valerie will be attending our event to conduct the induction ceremony.

Nancy has volunteered to head up the committee for the silent auction.  Each member of the board has been asked to try to collect 2-3 baskets and/or auction items for our auction.  We can ask Kiwanis Literacy Club to donate a basket.

b.) Membership Roster:

We have submitted a tentative roster to Valerie with Cal-Nevah.  Our roster reflects that we currently have 23 members.  There is CLE training available online.

c.) Financials:

We will collaborate with Delia Guzman, our treasurer, to set up Quickbooks for our financial information.

Moving forward after our Charter night, new members will be expected to pay dues.  It can be broken down into quarterly payments of $30, or $120 per year.

3.) New Business

a.) Fall Service Projects:

Backpacks and school supplies are being collected to help victims of the Redding fires.  Kiwanis LGBT+ Club will be donating a filled backpack.


Handmade blankets or beanies (made with love) to give out to kids that need them.

Inclusive movie night.

Beach Day.

LGBT Key clubs or high school groups.

Sponsor LGBT related scholarships

Teen/Youth Night at a family fun park in October- Debbie will contact Mulligan’s and Castle Park to inquire about a teen night.

Check with OC LGBT Center

4.) Adjournment: We are planning a re-grouping meeting prior to the Charter Night on August 28th at 6:00 PM

Board Retreat planned for September 22nd.

Monthly Board Meetings are planned for the 1st Tuesday of the month


For our first year as a new club, our membership dues will be $100.  As of October, 2019, they will go to our regular amount of $120.  Out of each member dues, approximately $50 goes to International, and $20-$30 goes to district dues.  The remainder stays in our account.

D.) New Membership:

Charter Night: Our Charter Night is planned for September 8th at Hamburger Mary’s in Ontario.  It will be a celebration of our club and a welcoming to all members in attendance, we will also be doing an induction of the officers.  We will be fundraising at our Charter night with a silent auction/raffle.  We can ask other clubs to donate a basket and can ask for donations for our silent auction.

Membership Finalization: We are updating the charter member list, currently have about 21-22 members.  Members must fill out and return membership applications for the member roster.  Key Club is a high school division of Kiwanis, we can market to graduates that want to continue to help.

Officer Retreat/Strategic Plan: Our fiscal year starts October 1st 2018, so we are trying to plan a retreat so that we can plan out our year.  We are looking at dates towards the end of September.  A suggestion was made to look into a park off of Green River and the 91 as a more centralized location for us to meet.  We will continue to meet monthly using conference calls.

E.) Old Business-

Hemet Pride BBQ: Donations were collected for food at the event.  The proceeds were given to the Kiwanis LGBT+ Club.

We can try to help organize and put on LGBT+ events in smaller communities that may not have anything available.  We have a great opportunity to do these as our club’s signature service projects.

Club Leadership Education: Divisions will put on CLE events.  Online training is also available.

Division Council Meeting: We are in Division 47 based out of Hemet and Palm Springs, but members can participate in local division meetings and events, and even help out in other clubs.

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